And just like that, 4 days pass us by in Bandung, and it’s Day 5 - time for us to return to Singapore. I don’t really remember what happened on this day, except that we went to Warung Suluh again for lunch :P. The food there is really awesome!








And the second thing I remember is that we then headed straight to the Bandung airport, and once we had checked in and found a place to sit and rest, Sheryl started working :(.


Oh well :P. Overall, I must say that Bandung is a lovely place for food and sightseeing. The food is just amazing, although a large part of that is probably due to Ang Ga being a super awesome guide who happens to be a foodie. Kawah Putih is amazing and till date I think it’s one of the most beautiful sights I’ve had the fortune to experience! The other places like the Floating Market are very relaxing, and very enjoyable. The weather is very lovely too, although it was somewhat hot when we visited, but evenings can be quite chilly. All in all, we really enjoyed Bandung!

Other parts in this series:

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