I’ve been using Tumblr to blog since 2011. I’m not the most consistent blogger, but collectively there’s 126 posts on Tumblr altogether, including all the re-blogs. Since I discovered Hugo a year back, I have been wanting to use Hugo instead, which I finally did recently. However, it feels a little weird to me that some of my content is on Tumblr and the new ones are on Hugo, so I decided to migrate my stuff (or some of them at least) from Tumblr to here. Why Hugo (or any other static site generator for that matter)? For one, I feel better knowing that all my content is with me. Secondly, the speed difference is huge. Thirdly, my limited experience with Markdown so far has convinced me that it’s a better writing experience. I don’t need to worry about formatting, bolding, etc. I just keep writing.
Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a straightforward guide on how to do this quickly, and while Hugo provides many tools for exporting/importing from Wordpress, Jekyll, etc. Tumblr isn’t one of them. Thankfully, I found tumblr2markdown, which is a Python script that exports all your existing Tumblr content into Markdown format. Heck, it even downloads the images if you need it to. Unfortunately, the Markdown files from this script does not contain the front matter that Hugo requires, so I will probably need to go through each and every post and make sure they are actually migrated/formatted correctly.
You should see some old posts pop up every now and then as I’ll migrate whenever I have the time :). Actually you should already see some of them.
Last but not least, Selamat Hari Raya :)!
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